Another Invasion
Guardian's coverage of supermarkets
An old story, but a goodie
The Definitive Source of Anti-Tesco Analysis
An earlier post on how supermarkets treat workers in developing countries
Ten years ago, a research organisation called the National Retail Planning Forum - financed by Sainsbury, Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Boots and John Lewis - published a report on the superstores' impact on employment. It found that there is "strong evidence that new out-of-centre superstores have a negative net impact on retail employment up to 15 km away". The 93 stores the forum studied were responsible for the net loss of 25,685 employees: every time a large supermarket opened, 276 people lost their job. This is hardly surprising. The New Economics Foundation has calculated that every £50,000 spent in small local shops creates one job. You must spend £250,000 in superstores for the same result.
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