The current coverage of food shortages provides a lot of revision material for the development economics module. One of the topics is the role of agriculture. The articles that follow outline the problems developing countries face with regards to agriculture and the differing solutions proposed.
Just like a previous posting about immigration, the article below really is a gem. An Oxford Professor of Economics argues that more globalisation, less subsidies for biofuels and allowing GM crops in Europe are the solutions to solve our food crisis. Following the article are comments from others who disagree. This is an excellent way to really understand a topic and differing view points.
Food shortages: think big | Paul Collier - Times Online
And here is how the UN would like to see the food crisis solved; a very different set of proposals. A more depth analysis from the Guardian here
Facts and figures of the food crisis
Bolivia's President speaks up and faces criticism from Brazil who say they can grow enough for both food and fuel. More here
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