Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The Blog Is BACK

Readers, fellow Economists, fellow Ignatians,

Following a summer break and time and effort being put into the Tanzania Blog (click here), the blog is back and will continue to bring you the best on the web on that wonderful subject we all know, love and constantly strive to master: Economics.

New Lower Sixth Economists will be introduced to the definition of economics in my first lesson.  I shall not ruin the surprise here.  But Economics is concerned with who provides what and for whom.

Take water.  Is it best that private companies, such as Thames Water, provide water, sewerage and sanitation or should the state.  The answer - as always is 'it depends......'

In Bolivia, water privatisation led to riots; it led to riots in Argentina too.  But in the UK and the USA, it has been widely successful.  In the Upper Sixth we shall look at the different conditions faced by developed and developing countries.

Duncan Green, my favourite blogger - like EVER - has an excellent post here

An older post on the blog (which I found by typing in 'water' into the search box is here

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