Friday, 28 March 2014

L6 HW : Exam Practice

Dear Lower Sixth

HW - exam practice, seeing as there's one or two coming up quite soon.  Link to exam paper is here

Question 2 (b) - all three parts.

Get full marks.

Bring in 1st lesson next week.

Enjoy your weekend by staying in and revising for your exams.


Anonymous said...

Ruining mothers day there...

Anonymous said...

What do u mean? i cant wait to get back to my economics revision

Anonymous said...

”Homework Will Be On The Blog Thursday”. It Never Is. And It Ruins My Weekend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Should write a formal letter of complaint to the operator of this blog said...

Good luck with your complaint. That is not a direct quote from me as I know that not every word has to begin with a capital letter, so whilst waiting for the homework to be put up, you might want to spend time learning some basic grammar

Anonymous said...

Got flim-flammed

Anonymous said...

'Big Jeff' went in!

Anonymous said...

Whoever was trying to be smart, just got smacked up by man like Jeff.

Anonymous said...

this is a long ting nobody do it plz said...

This is a worthwhile and fulfilling tasks: everybody do it please

Anonymous said...

*this is a worthwhile and fulfilling task OR
*these are worthwhile and fulfilling tasks.