Saturday, 9 February 2008

For the low emission zone

Many environmental campaign groups have urged the Mayor to strengthen the initiative and to also drop major road building plans - such as the Thames Gateway Bridge - so that Londoners do not suffer from unacceptable air pollution caused by road traffic. Effects of air pollution include ill health, extra hospital admissions and premature deaths.
Friends of the Earth London Campaigns Co-ordinator, Jenny Bates said:
"We congratulate Ken Livingstone on this initiative. The LEZ is exactly the kind of initiative Londoners need to end decades of needless threat to their health from dirty vehicles. But to protect the health of all Londoners the whole of the capital must be brought within legal air quality limits."
London's single largest source of air pollution is road traffic, this is why the whole of London should be included in the Low Emission Zone not just certain parts. it could also be argued that the Low Emission Zone could be strengthened by the inclusion of emissions from cars. At present only emissions from lorries, buses, coaches, heavier vans and minibuses are included. The Mayor could also improve air quality by abandoning large road building schemes. Jenny Bates also stated "The Mayor's road building schemes undermine his efforts to improve air quality in the capital. Building the Thames Gateway bridge would only worsen air quality and traffic congestion there."
In conclusion it could be argued that the low emission zone has achieved something but a lot more needs to be done to improve the quality of life for londoners as other things such as road building are adding to the amount of pollution in the air.

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