Thursday, 20 March 2014

L6 HW : Monetary Policy Assessment


Topics for the assessment are : causes of inflation, base rates, interest rates, the role of the Monetary Policy Committee and monetary policy.

Assessment will be 1st lesson of next week.

Youtube playlist of useful videos from Bank of England here


Anonymous said...

is this from the january 2013 past paper? wink wink

Anonymous said...

Now that you've left that comment it probably won't be

Anonymous said...

these are the same tasks that were on the homework question we did last week. that's enough of a hint......

Anonymous said...

might have to print the mark scheme and slip it under my desk. wink wink

Anonymous said...

Oi Jeffers, I'm not attending your exam, because YOU'RE a SICK teacher remember that yeah, safe said...

SICK use to be a term of affection, so thanks

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sir, but the feeling isn't mutual.... said...

How hurtful. *sobs*